Junior programmer or “jun” is the initial stage in a programmer’s career. This is a person who has little experience with any programming languages and at least some technical knowledge base. So how long will it take to study?
Every sought-after specialist will no doubt answer you that “you need to study all your life,” but we will try to answer this question briefly and clearly.
Firstly, to become a Junior programmer you won’t need an endless number of hours, “sweating” for about 6-12 months will be enough. Time is subjective, it all depends on your perseverance, effort and, of course, patience.
Secondly, if you have a small technical base behind you, for example, from a university or college, then training will proceed much faster. If you master Frontend/BackEnd technologies at the initial level – HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, frameworks – you can achieve results in 4–5 months.
If you work and devote not as much time to programming as you would like, then you will have to study much longer. With a load of 2-3 hours a day, you will reach your goal in no less than a year.
Constantly develop your technical skills and keep your knowledge up to date. The first few years are the most stressful period for a newbie. At this time, you need to master a huge amount of information, practice it and get acquainted with a large number of tools, sometimes not the most understandable.
Everything is in your hands! Go for it!